
Ruins of the Ancient city of Babylon and Ishtar Gate - COMING SOON!

Take a peek into the ruins of the ancient city of Babylon with emphasis on the Ishtar Gate

Duration : 60 mins     Max Size : 50     Destination : Iraq  

Category : Global Cultures     Recommended For : Schools

Subject :  


Located in present-day Iraq, along the river Euphrates, the ancient city of Babylon is considered among the world’s most important archaeological sites. The monumental ruins stand as a testament to the deep history of the Mesopotamian civilization, the antiquities of the Near East, as well as the Biblical Old Testament. The entire region gained tremendous significance as the cradle of human civilisations. Take this virtual tour with us to explore the famous Ishtar Gate that stood fortifying Babylon city while gaining an insight into the history of the region.

The city of Babylon is believed to have come into existence nearly 4000 years ago. After the settlement of the Amorites tribe, King Hammurabi, famous for establishing the world’s first law in writing, was the first to actually develop the city and much of the surrounding region to form the region of Babylonia. It wasn’t until centuries later of passing through the reign of various dynasties, that Nabopolassar established the Chaldean Empire in 626BC, which was the beginning of the region’s Golden Age. His successor, Nebuchadnezzar was responsible for bringing the city to its full glory by ordering the restoration and reconstruction of various ruined grounds. Apart from the sacred Etemenanki Ziggurat that was believed to be the stairway to heaven, and the Ishtar Gate – the most prominent of eight fortified gates that was known as the processional entrance – Nebuchadnezzar is also claimed to have built the ancient wonder, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon – the existence of which lies in ambiguity till today. 

During this tour, we take a closer look at the ruins of the Ishtar Gate, how its replica was created in Berlin with the original material from the Babylonian region and what it would have looked like in its full grandeur. At a height of 46 feet, the gate had reliefs of various sacred animals and powerful rulers of the time. 

Join us on this tour to get 3D views of the Ishtar Gate and the ruins around, while attaining a brief lesson about the history of Babylon.

Your Presenter

  Charly Jacob

Charly is one of the Executive Producers at Globe from Home and brings more than two decades of experience in Tourism management into creating special travel experiences.

Charly has been involved in campaigns involving the conservation of environment and is an active team member in our Responsible Tourism projects. His other interests include listening to music and driving.

How it works

This tour has been designed specially for school children. During this session, students will gain an exclusive insight  into the region with splendid 3-D views of the venue. Although conducted different from our regular tours, the session will certainly still be as immersive as all our other sessions.
This is a group tour that accommodates up to 50 children at a time. Once you book this experience, we will send you a confirmation email with a link to join the session.  Children and teachers can log in from their individual classes or congregate in one single class/hall and access the tour via the link provided.

What you need

You will need a stable internet connection and a mobile device (ideally a desktop or laptop) to stream the session.

Cancellation Policy

You can cancel and obtain a full refund for this session until 5 days before the date of the first session.

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