
Regenerating Oceans

Travel to Denmark, Bangladesh and the Maldives to learn about the importance of Oceans as carbon sinks, meet climate refugees, and learn about ways in which we can regenerate our oceans.

Duration : 120 mins     Max Size : 500     Destination : Denmark, Bangladesh, Maldives  

Category : Long-haul school trips     Recommended For : K12 Schools, Higher Education, Corporates

Subject :  


Our Oceans are the largest carbon sinks on the planet and hold 12 times more carbon that land and 45 times more than the atmosphere. The Oceans have absorbed 25% of human induced CO2 emissions and 93% of increased atmospheric heating, making them the biggest climate regulators.

On this live, interactive, virtual session our Oceanographer will take you on a journey where you will learn about the importance of our Oceans and how they are changing due to centuries of absorbing atmospheric carbon, leading to acidification and rising sea levels. You will learn how, besides the impact of fossil fuels, deep sea fishing is threatening to release the vast stores of carbon on the ocean floors. This session also covers how plastics are choking our oceans and threatening marine life.

Travel to Dhaka in Bangladesh to meet  farmers who have had to flee the coasts owing to rising sea levels and seek a new life in the city, becoming 'climate refugees'. Where this session highlights the drastic impact of climate change on communities, it also brings hope as it takes us to the Maldoves, where you will witness a real life example of how coastal belts were regenerated and the Oceans replenished proving that we can make a difference if we act collectively and urgently.

Your Presenter

  Globe From Home Team

This program is organised by Globe From Home.

How it works

This session is designed for school students (ages 8 and above) and is part of Globe From Home's more comprehensive 'Planetary Citizenship Program'. Schools can choose to book this as an individual session or contact us to enquire about the complete program. Schools can contact Globe From Home to schedule a date and time for the session (subject to availability). Once a date and time are confirmed, we will send out the access link for the session. Students can enjoy the session collectively from their classrooms or using individual mobile enabled devices.

What you need

You will need a stable internet connection and a mobile device (ideally a desktop or laptop) to stream the session.

Cancellation Policy

Please contact Globe From Home.

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