
Learn Work Etiquettes in an Office in China

A live interaction for students to learn typical office etiquettes at workplaces in China

Duration : 60 mins     Max Size : 500     Destination : China  

Category : Global Cultures     Recommended For : Schools

Subject :  


This is an extremely insightful session for Businesses Studies students who will have the opportunity to learn, first-hand, the work culture, etiquettes and best practices in a working environment in China. It will help them gain an insight into the work etiquettes followed in an office in China and a few general Do’s and Don’ts while conducting business with them. 

This session is based on a real-life assignment where students will be expected to work with an office in China to complete an assignment. The scenario is that Globe From Home is launching its services for students in China. Students will be part of the UK office and will  go on a virtual "business trip" to meet and work with counterparts in the China office.

Students will be received warmly by a member of the China office and escorted into the office where they will be shown around the premises and introduced to the local team. This will be a good opportunity for visiting students to meet local team members and learn about the average day in an office in China.

In the next part of the session, the local team members will demonstrate best practises and etiquettes when working in China. 

In the final part of the session students will be divided into two separate teams, and each will be assigned to a local member of staff from the China office. Each group will be put into a breakout room and have 20 minutes to discuss and design a marketing poster in Mandarin for the company's products. Students will have to collaborate on the marketing messages they would want to include on the poster, seek insights from their Chinese colleague. At the end of the session, both groups will present their final poster.

Role play and live interactions, particularly with native speakers, are known to have greater impact in learning a language than simply learning out of a book. This office interaction will certainly help cement a student’s classroom learnings of Mandarin and pave the way for more fluent conversations. 

This session also includes a practical activity that students can engage in to cement their understanding. For more details please contact us on

Your Presenter

  Liu Ping

Liu Ping reflects the true spirit of China's dynamic growth as someone who worked in phosphorous mines as a teenager and then educated herself to become a teacher, an english language interpreter and eventually an entrepreneur. A global speaker, Liu is passionate about showcasing the real China to the rest of the world. Liu lives in Beijing and is the author of 'My Chinese Dream-From Red Guards to CEO'.

How it works

This tour has been designed specially for school children. This is a group tour that accommodates up to 50 children at a time. Once you book this experience, we will send you a confirmation email with a link to join the session.  Children and teachers can log in from their individual classes or congregate in one single class/hall and access the tour via the link provided.

What you need

You will need a stable internet connection and a mobile device (ideally a desktop or laptop) to stream the session.

Cancellation Policy

You can cancel and obtain a full refund for this session until 5 days before the date of the first session.

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