
American History: Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC - COMING SOON!

Visit this grand and befitting tribute to one of America's greatest Presidents - the Lincoln Memorial at Washington DC

Duration : 60 mins     Max Size : 100     Destination : Unites States of America  

Category : World History     Recommended For : Schools

Subject :  


If we were to ask children from various parts of the world to name any of the former Presidents of the United States of America, one name is sure to resound loudly – that of Abraham Lincoln. From stories of his childhood, a spirited youth and his political career, Abraham Lincoln has always been admired as the pride of the world’s third largest nation. A tribute to the United States’ 16th President, the Lincoln Memorial is a monument visited by anyone and everyone traveling to Washington DC. Join us on a session as we explore this historical landmark and gain an insight into the life and times of this visionary leader.

Most famously known for abolishing slavery and for steadfastly carrying the nation all through the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was unfortunately, assassinated on 14th April, 1865. Although a memorial for him was planned as early as 1867, it was only in 1922 that the Lincoln Memorial was opened to public. It was designed by Henry Bacon, who chose Parthenon in Greece as his inspiration to model this memorial. During the period when Lincoln was assassinated, the Union consisted of 36 states, and hence, 36 Doric columns were added to flank the monument, which is further decorated with beautiful relief sculpture and friezes. 

In the centre of the grand building, is the stupendous statue of a seated Abraham Lincoln, that was carved by Daniel Chester French and the Piccirilli brothers. You are likely to be mesmerized by the murals painted the American artist Jules Guerin as well inscriptions from some of President Lincoln’s most inspiring speeches – the Gettysburg Address as well as his Second Inaugural Address – that can be seen in the rooms in the north and south. The Lincoln Memorial and the path that leads to the clear Reflecting Pool, has been the venue of many a historical moment for the nation, including the ‘I have a dream’ speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

This session will certainly enthuse children and young adults studying history and older persons looking to take a stroll down the pages of American history.

Your Presenter

  Charly Jacob

Charly is one of the Executive Producers at Globe from Home and brings more than two decades of experience in Tourism management into creating special travel experiences.

Charly has been involved in campaigns involving the conservation of environment and is an active team member in our Responsible Tourism projects. His other interests include listening to music and driving.

How it works

This tour has been designed specially for school children. During this session, students will gain an exclusive insight  into the region with splendid 3-D views of the venue. Although conducted different from our regular tours, the session will certainly still be as immersive as all our other sessions.
Once you book this experience, we will send you a confirmation email with a link to join the session.  Children and teachers can log in from their individual classes or congregate in one single class/hall and access the tour via the link provided.

What you need

You will need a stable internet connection and a mobile device (ideally a desktop or laptop) to stream the session.

Cancellation Policy

You can cancel and obtain a full refund for this session until 5 days before the date of the first session.

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